Launched in 2007, Data Center Map was the first research tool of its kind. We operate a global data center database, mapping data center locations worldwide. Our intention is to make it easier for buyers, sellers, investors, regulators and other professionals in the data center industry, to gain insights in to the data center markets of their interest.We cover a wide range of data center services, but our primary focus is around colocation, cloud and connectivity. We do go wider and deeper though, so whether you are looking for hyperscalers, edge data centers, real estate, network carriers, cloud operators or just data center statistics, DCM is the resource you need.
We aim to make it easier for buyers to identify and connect with suitable providers/operators. You can either use us to do your own research and contact the operators directly, you can have us assist with obtaining quotes or you can have us assist with the entire process, from identifying your needs, identifying relevant providers and engaging with them.
As thousands of visitors are using our database to research colocation, cloud and connectivity on a daily basis, we are the best channel available to reach in-market buyers of data center services. We offer banner advertising, sponsorships, content marketing, enhanced memberships and much more.
Source : https://lesmanuelslibres.region-academique-idf.fr
Télécharger le manuel : https://forge.apps.education.fr/drane-ile-de-france/les-manuels-libres/snt-seconde ou directement le fichier ZIP
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